Saturday, September 13, 2008


For this new assignment, we need to build a geodesic domes. This is a grouping assignment, so we need to work in group.. Our group name is THE CLAN. And all the team memeber is the actors in this assignment. There were five of us.

In this blog you guys can see how did we built the dome...

first we have to cut the pvc conduit by the measurement that we calculate in his website.

then after we cut the pvc conduit, we have to press the edge of the pvc conduit so that we can easily joined the pvc conduit.

after finished pressing the edge, we joined together all the pvc conduit into the shape of pentagon. we built 6 shape of pentagon to joined and became a dome.

we joined all the pentagon by using bolts, nuts, washers and plate.

after finished joining the pentagon, our domes is done!

1 comment:

huhuhu.. said...

kakakaka...muat plak org cm ko msuk dlm bnda 2