Monday, October 20, 2008


1. Intention
2. Actor
3. Act
4. Rule
5. Product
6. Site

To have intention it must be accompany with knowledge.
  • its a product of a certain act.
  • involve an actor who doing it.
  • a site to see.
  • what ever in your heart keep it in your head.
  • must have rule.
The person who do the intention and make the intention came true. And all the HBP student is the actor in this scenario. The example of actor is, architect, interior designer, engineer, QS, surveyor, planner & all the person who involve in the construction industry.

An act that the actor do. for example, an architect do the design.

Is a law that a designer need to follow before doing a design. Every district have a law that a designer should follow.

Is a product from the intention of a person.

The site must be on the planet earth. Site is the place that the product should be placed.

Monday, September 15, 2008


10th September 2008, is the date that the Domes Day is being held. The Domes Day is being held at the Minden Valley. There were 40 domes to build by 40 groups that day. There were so many type of dome but most of the group did not follow the rules. The rules is to built a Geodesic Dome. But not all group build a Geodesic Domes. This is some of the picture at Domes day!

a simple briefing from Encik Wan Burhanuddin at E48

after the briefing, we all heading to the temple for report submission and team photo registration.

and then we have to search this by following our group no. to build our dome at the site that has been marked.

after we find our site, we start to build our dome within 30 min and we did build our dome within the time given.

and 30 min letter...our dome is all done..thanks to all group member to makes it happen..

All of the picture is from the first day on The Domes Day.. Hope i can get an A in this assignment.. hehehehehe... thank you for reading this blog!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


For this new assignment, we need to build a geodesic domes. This is a grouping assignment, so we need to work in group.. Our group name is THE CLAN. And all the team memeber is the actors in this assignment. There were five of us.

In this blog you guys can see how did we built the dome...

first we have to cut the pvc conduit by the measurement that we calculate in his website.

then after we cut the pvc conduit, we have to press the edge of the pvc conduit so that we can easily joined the pvc conduit.

after finished pressing the edge, we joined together all the pvc conduit into the shape of pentagon. we built 6 shape of pentagon to joined and became a dome.

we joined all the pentagon by using bolts, nuts, washers and plate.

after finished joining the pentagon, our domes is done!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


USM held theri Convocation on the 14th to 17th august 2008..

The convocation carnival takes place at The Oval beside the DTSP hall in USM itself..There was so many people at the carnival.. So many stall at the carnival site..

In this assignment we have to take picture during and after the Convocation takes place..And this is what i've got during and after the Convocation...Enjoy!

During The Convocation

There were so many stall at the Carnival site, for example food stall and souvenier stall for the graduates and for the people who comes to the Carnival.. People selling so many thing during the Carnival..

After The Convocation

After the Convocation all the tent are being took down and the site is alraedy clean up by the worker..